Libraries: Free for All

Libraries are trusted sources for information and lifelong learning. Yet in 2013, only 17% of public library collections were digital.

We can make 80% of most library collections digital

Accessibility for All

For people with disabilities that impact reading, ebooks are a lifeline. Yet less than one in ten books exists in accessible formats.

Let’s eliminate barriers to information

Diverse Titles

Our library books should be as diverse as our readers. In 2015, 50% of newborn US babies were children of color, yet over a twenty-year span, on average only 10% of children’s books contained multicultural content.

Let’s curate inclusive content

Preserving Our Culture

There’s almost a century of knowledge still living only on the printed page, missing from our digital shelves.

Let’s preserve knowledge for future generations

Information You Can Trust

In this era of “alternative facts,” ready access to trustworthy sources is critical. The public needs a good reference library, grounding us in the published, vetted record. And readers need to know their privacy will be respected.

Why libraries are more important than ever